Health & Safety

The management of LUDA-CON is concerned with the safety of every employee and sub-contractor. Our philosophy is that the well-being of our company depends on the health and safety of our workforce.

To enable us to keep our quality and production at the highest levels, we must ensure that the health and safety of our workforce is maintained at all times.

To achieve this goal, we shall endeavor to develop, implement, and evaluate our health and safety program to be as effective as possible.

At all times employees and sub-contractors must adhere to the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the regulations made under the Act.

We will ensure the safest, healthiest workplace possible by requiring that all employees and sub-contractors receive ongoing training in health and safety, by maintaining communications between management and staff, and by leading through actions rather than words.

The responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy workplace is everyone's job, from the Directors to the newly hired employee.

Your assistance and support are needed and expected to protect the health and safety of our workforce, our clients, and our company.

We implement the following measures to ensure our commitment to Health & Safety comes first:

  • Luda-Con enforces individual responsibility for maintaining work and access areas to be clean at all times on every jobsite.
  • Safety meetings are conducted regularly with mandatory attendance for all employees.
  • By ensuring all employees take part in our site orientation prior to working on a project
  • All employees are certified for WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System)
  • Training such as the Fall Protection Fundamentals program, Aerial work platforms, and First Aid/CPR

If you have any questions regarding our Health & Safety policy, please do not hesitate to call us at (519) 777-9850.